Joomla! Tip of the Day

It can be easy done with help "ARI Quiz Learning Path" Joomla! plugin. This plugin provides ability to create hierarchy based on quiz categories. An user can not get access to the next level in learning path until completes all the previous levels. Each hierarchy level can be associated with content category, in this case, an user can not see articles from content categories which are associated with the next levels in learning path. This Joomla! extension helps organize learning courses where an user should complete one course that have ability to start the next course. For example, an user should completes "Basic" level that have access to "Advanced" level. This is free plugin and available for "ARI Quiz" users on request. If you are interested in this, contact us by email and we'll provide it. See screenshots of plugin settings page below:

Plugin parameters
Plugin parameters
Plugin parameters
Plugin parameters
We are glad to announce new popup Joomla! extensions for every taste. These are ARI Sexy Lightbox, ARI Colorbox, ARI Pretty Photo and ARI Fancybox extensions. Each of them brings unforgettable popup to Joomla! sites. These come with Joomla! module and plugin and can show image galleries, Flickr photosets and users photos, Joomla! modules, HTML content and external pages in sexy popup. Each lightbox extension has unique view and you can select the most suitable for you. Extensions have friendly UI and you can set all necessary parameters on module settings page and display content in module positions or in Joomla! articles with help content plugin which requires only module ID for working. If you want to organize photo gallery on your site and display images in pretty popup, our extensions is good choice for this purpose because they can generate thumbnails with necessary size and can save ratio of original images, support caching data and provide ability for using additional properties for images such as title, description and other. If you wish organize image gallery from Flickr photos, it is not a problem. Extensions can display photos from Flickr by photoset ID(s) or user ID(s) and they also support caching Flickr data for increasing performance.

  If you use Joomla! content management system to run your site you don’t need special technical knowledge how to publish articles because of intuitive interface. But almost any publisher wants to add nice user interface effects to his site and don’t bother learning Joomla! internals, Javascript frameworks and PHP.

  For example you want to fetch some data from database and display it in table view allowing user to sort and resize it. Or you want to show content using accordion effect, tabular view, nice popup or add customizable tooltips or online presentations? How this can be done without knowledge of SQL, PHP, Javascript?

  There is an easy way. We’ve created the extension that combines various effects you may apply to content of your articles. The component is called ARI Smart Content and contains the following effects:

  Component is expandable – it allows to add new plugins. Contains several plugins and is a wrapper on different UI effect widgets. Contains module where you can type plugin tags. Contains system plugins that automatically loads appropriate versions of Javascript frameworks and allow changing themes.

  Go ahead and have a look at extension in action on demo site. If you like it rate this extension in JED.

Joomla Tip of the day articles.

(c) 2008 ARI Soft. This article or quotations from it may be used only by ARI Soft approbation.


You can encounter this issue when PHP 5.2.0 or above is used on your server. This problem occurs because new 'pcre.backtrack_limit' PHP option is available since PHP 5.2.0 and it brings limitation for regular expression. It can be difficult to find the reason for this problem because PHP doesn't raise any error message for it. You can change this PHP option manually or use simple 'Big Article' plugin which you can download here. It only overrides 'pcre.backtrack_limit' settings, but it's enough for making Joomla 1.5.10 work fine with large article.

When you run site on Joomla! you should know some tips about how to get to search engines index and make sure your pages are properly processed. This is really important to help the customers find your site. If your site is on the first page of search results list you will get more visitors and probably more customers. Discarding standard SEO tools and techniques we are going to looks at three important areas that are specific to Joomla! site.

  1. SEF extensions, friendly URLS. There are number of SEO components for Joomla! that may be really helpful:
  2. Supplemental results
Supplemental result is URL that is contained in Google’s secondary database of pages of less importance. A supplemental page will still rank in search results, but only if there are not enough pages in the main index that are returned within the search. There are several reasons why your pages may get to supplemental index:
  • Duplicate content. Title elements and meta-tags that are identical can lead to duplicate content. When you run Joomla! system there can be PDF and print links on every article. When search spider looks at your website it scans the title, meta description, meta keywords and page content. Having PDF and print icons can lead to duplicate content as it is understood by search bot and as the result to supplemental index. To fix this just use Joomla! setting not to show these icons. To disable PDF and print icons in Joomla 1.0.x go to Global Configuration->Content and select “Hide” radio buttons. To do this in Joomla 1.5 you should go to Content->Article Manager->Parameters.
  • Low pagerank. If a page has pagerank that is too low Google can drop it from its main index and move to supplemental index. To fix this you could try to get more quality backlinks to your pages.
  • High page count, page freshness, manipulative links (paid links, excessive reciprocal linking, links injection)
  3. 301 redirect

Suppose you have site Sometimes search engines may think that and are different sites. In this case your pages will receive lower pagerank. The better way to avoid this is 301 redirect. To create correct 301 redirect from to you should enable .htaccess usage and add the following lines to this file:

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

rewritecond %{http_host} ^

rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]


 Joomla Tip of the day articles.

(c) 2008 ARI Soft. This article or quotations from it may be used only by ARI Soft approbation.